Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid

Jul 11, 2007 at 4:00 am
As set forth by Jason, he of the hockey mask, Friday the thirteenth is a time for fear and a time for murder. Don’t fight the inevitable -- just try not to be the one going on to the hereafter by attending events where others are already scheduled to be slaughtered. Clayton Community Theatre helps you save yourself with its production of The Hollow by Agatha Christie. During this play a bunch of folks have gathered for a weekend at the Hollow, which is the creepy name of a couple’s home (´round here, it’s known as the Concordia Seminary Theater, located at 6501 Clayton Road in Richmond Heights). Many of these people have had relations with a certain doctor, a man who winds up dead pretty early on in the weekend. But who did it? His wife? His mistress? The man who loves the doc’s mistress? Someone else? Watch as the mystery unravels beginning at 8 p.m. on Friday and Saturday and at 2 p.m. Sunday (July 13 through 29). Tickets cost $12 to $15 and can be purchased by phone at 314-721-9228; visit for more information.

And if you’d rather have a more participatory role in preventing your own demise, the Leavenworth Players Group hosts an interactive murder-mystery comedy called Murder at the Bevo Mill Theatre or When Good Murders Happen to Bad Actors at 6 p.m. at the Bevo Mill (4749 Gravois Avenue; Dinner and murder cost $45; make your required reservation for Friday the thirteenth by calling 314-481-2626.
Fridays-Sundays. Starts: July 13. Continues through July 29