Experience Story Collider Live in St. Louis on Wednesday

Former RFT staff writer Danny Wicentowski will tell a story stemming from a 2014 article

Jan 23, 2023 at 6:01 am
St. Louis Public Radio's building.
Story Collider takes place in the St. Louis Public Radio's Community Room.

Story Collider's mission is to use storytelling to illuminate the role science plays in our lives. It's kind of like The Moth, only with science, or TED Talks, only without the insistence that one overly simplified idea from a polished speaker in a headset can change humanity. And if you like the Story Collider podcast, the live events are even more fun — so maybe think about joining the St. Louis show, titled "Variables," in St. Louis Public Radio's Community Room (3651 Olive Street) on Wednesday.

St. Louis-based hosts Gabe Montesanti and Sam Lyons will lead an evening of storytelling (and, yes, science) featuring local pediatrician Ken Haller, "Christian priestess" Jessica Gazzola, Wash U undergrad Colleen McDermott and former RFT staff writer Danny Wicentowski, gone on to a job in public radio but never forgotten. Wicentowski tells us his story actually stems from work he did for this paper in 2014 about the then-new trend of escape rooms.

He writes, "It relates quite well (I think!) to the show's theme of variables, with tales 'about situations that are in our control, until the moment they aren't.'" If that doesn't hook you, keep listening to those silly TED Talks.

For everyone else, the show runs from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Tickets are $10, whether you want to be there in person or watch on Zoom. Details at storycollider.org/shows/2023/1/25/stlouis-variables.

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