Face the Populism

Apr 28, 2011 at 4:00 am
Ars Populi (that's "Art for the People") ambitiously opens its doors at 6010 Kingsbury Avenue this weekend. The Human Face, Ars Populi's debut exhibition, is 100 artists' representations of the human face. How's that for populism? The wide swath of styles and media is more than enough for a show at an extant gallery, but while you're checking out the work you can also see what's promised to be an "environment that is itself a work of art." Plus, there's food (barbecue) and music (played by musicians). The art is for sale — moderately priced, as the name and the egalitarian cuisine both promise that this show of people is for the people — but the weekend opening is free. Check it out Saturday and Sunday (May 7 and 8), from 1 to 6 p.m.
Sat., May 7; Sun., May 8, 2011