Let Andy Cohen Drink on CNN's New Year's Eve Broadcast, Dammit

Some loser named Ryan Seacrest recently said it's a good idea for CNN to cut back on its NYE hosts drinking. He's wrong.

Dec 28, 2022 at 12:57 pm

There are few joys on New Year’s Eve for the homebody. You can play board games, you can log onto various screens and play online with the other introverts, or you can even drink yourself into a stupor, watch a ball drop and then promptly crash on the couch.

But of all these tantalizing options for those who cannot seem to bring themself to a party in the year of 2022 — or is it technically 2023? — none beats watching St. Louis native Andy Cohen and his pal Anderson Cooper get belligerently drunk on CNN’s New Year’s Eve broadcast.

Except this year, CNN has requested that our beloved hosts actually not drink so much. And after Cohen dissed the ever-sober Ryan Seacrest last year, Seacrest had the audacity to recently agree with CNN’s decision and say Cohen should be limited in the amount he drinks.

Ahem, excuse us? Do they know Cohen hails from St. Louis, where one of our regional talents is holding our own while drinking copious amounts of alcohol? Our livers are built differently from New Yorkers and Californians and the rest of the nation. It is a known fact.

Which brings us to our plea for the cable news network: Let Andy Cohen drink, dammit. Who is he hurting? His liver? Remember, St. Louisans are built different. Besides, many tune into CNN's New Year’s Eve party just to see Cohen and Cooper have drunken banter. We watch with glee as they throw back shot after shot. As the night progresses, we live vicariously through the Bravo host and his journalist friend. What will we do without these two being able to drink to their heart’s desire?

Thankfully, like a true St. Louisan, Cohen has indicated he will not follow the network's edict — he told Rolling Stone that the rule applies to CNN correspondents, and that his job is actually to party harder on their behalf.

Rock on, Andy Cohen. A hometown hero after our hearts ... and our livers.

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