Observable Reading

Feb 27, 2014 at 4:00 am
For those of you who fondly recall the literary magazine Delmar, rest easy with the knowledge that Delmar's publisher, editor and frequent contributor Jeff Hamilton now curates the Observable Reading poetry series. Tonight at 7:30 p.m. at Llywelyn's Pub in the Central West End (4747 McPherson Avenue; 314-361-3003 or www.stlouispoetrycenter.org/observable), the series presents a joint reading by Amaud Jamaul Johnson, Glenn Shaheen and Hamilton. Johnson's work has been published by Anti-, The Southern Review and Crazyhorse as well as in two of his own collections, Darktown Follies and Red Summer. Shaheen has his own collection, Predatory, and has been featured in Ploughshares and The New Republic. Admission to this evening's reading is free, but a $5 donation helps and is generally considered polite.
Mon., March 10, 7:30 p.m., 2014