Party Like Your Cool Grandma With Music Bingo at Beffa's on Wednesday

The century-old game is a great time even when not played in a nursing home

Jan 2, 2024 at 6:02 am
Innumerable senior citizens can't be wrong.
Innumerable senior citizens can't be wrong. VIA FLICKR / RSAXVC

The week after New Year's Day is often the quietest one of the year — everyone's partied out, no bands are coming through town and even the comedians are staying home nursing their hangovers. What's an extrovert to do?

Why, head to Beffa's (2700 Olive Street), naturally.

The Downtown West landmark has a new menu (Honey Bee's Biscuits has taken over daytime service) and new vitality in its venerable bar.

On Wednesday, January 3, it's also hosting Music Bingo, which is kind of like the game your grandma used to hunker over in the church basement, only with music (and undoubtedly fewer chain-smoking seniors). It's free to play, so why not pop over, grab a bingo card and get after it?

The fun kicks off at 6:30 p.m. Details at

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