Small-Town Fun

Jan 2, 2014 at 4:00 am
Jedidiah Ayres is one of the guys behind St. Louis' neo-noir reading series, Noir at the Bar, as well as being a regular contributor to the Riverfront Times. When he's not tirelessly pimping the works of other authors, Ayers writes his own short stories (see: A F*ckload of Shorts) and novels (see also: Fierce Bitches). His latest book is the country noir hellride, Peckerwood. This one is set in Southern Missouri, and stars Terry Hickerson, who is a recidivist armed robber and his small town's number one trouble maker. The problem is, Sheriff Jimmy Mondale is both the law and the crime lord, and he straight up hates Terry. The situation further degenerates when Jimmy finds out Terry is fooling around with Jimmy's daughter. Jed signs copies of Peckerwood from 1 to 3 p.m. today at Big Sleep Books (239 North Euclid Avenue; 314-677-7314 or Admission is free.
Sat., Jan. 4, 2014