This Statue at the St. Louis Zoo Will Blow You Away

Aug 29, 2019 at 1:36 pm
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Who likes a Bon Jovi?

There are many wonderful things to see at the St. Louis Zoo, but some visitors say that seeing this statue is the climax of their visit to our famous (and free) zoological park.

But a wholesome and family-friendly outing to see elephants and penguins can quickly turn into an unplanned discussion about the birds and the bees. While it's not uncommon to see zoo animals banging it out, you never see people get in on the action. Never, that is, until you see this statue near the primate house. You'll know you've found it when you come across a collection of dads in cargo shorts doubled over in laughter.

Most statues depict scenarios with happy endings but this public art is a little hard to swallow.

The display is a tribute to George Philip Vierheller, who is praised on the statue’s plaque as “the first director and devoted builder of this zoo.” We’re pretty sure that this art is meant to depict a happy chimpanzee greeting his benefactor, but it sure does look like that chimp is thanking Vierheller for coming, if you know what we mean. Experts say that chimpanzees know how to use tools...

Do you need to get a family picture next to this fellating frugivore? Yes. Yes, you do. It’s going to be September any minute now, which means that peak zoo season is close to finishing. So get yourself off to Forest Park quickly if you want to gaze at this heady art.

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