Tough Guys, Soft Hearts

Jun 9, 2011 at 4:00 am
Now, Ms. Day is nothing but dainty, what with her lace gloves, pastel parasol and tasty petit fours. But inside this perfectly coiffed exterior is a fighter just swinging to punch her way out. Of course, Day won't allow such a side of her to be exposed — not in public, anyway — so instead, she attends rough-and-tumble events, you know, as an outlet for her inner self. On her schedule this week is First to Fight, an amateur-boxing tournament that pits Marines against St. Louis' own firefighters and police officers. My word! What a spectacle that will be! And whom to root for? You've got America's heroes in one corner and St. Louis' in the other! Because all proceeds from our tickets (priced at $17.50 apiece) benefit BackStoppers and the Semper Fi Society, Day just might save herself the headache from deciding and cheer loud and cheer proud for charity. The doors of the Scottrade Center (1401 Clark Avenue; swing open at 6 p.m., and the tournament begins at 7 p.m.; purchase tickets by visiting
Mon., June 20, 2011