Elvis Costello Is Not Your Regular Renaissance Man

Mar 9, 2015 at 5:34 am

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Philanthropist Costello has served on the board of directors for the Jazz Foundation of America. After Hurricane Katrina he worked hard to raise money to save the homes of the musicians whose lives were ravaged by the calamity.

Academia Though universities bestow honorary degrees to celebrities as if they grew on trees, Costello has been enough of a student of music -- contributing liner notes to albums, writing pieces for magazines and giving insight in documentaries -- that the doctorates handed to him from New England Conservatory and the University of Liverpool won't look entirely ridiculous when framed on the wall of his study.

Marathon Man Through nearly four decades, Costello has recorded close to 700 songs and over 30 albums. Despite turning 60 this past year, he shows no signs of slowing down. At the opening night of this current Detour Tour, he performed a 25-song retrospective of his musical career, proving -- corrective lenses or not -- he's always had vision.


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