You Could Sing the National Anthem for the Blues

Jul 24, 2018 at 6:50 am
If you've ever dreamed of singing "the Star-Spangled Banner" for a crowd of revved-up hockey fans — and who among us has not dreamed of singing the national anthem for just such a crowd? — we've got a good scoop for you: The Blues are looking for someone just like you.

The NHL team is currently accepting applications for singers to take the mic during its 2018-19 season, a process that last season yielded nine different performers and groups, and nine dreams come true. Could this be your year?

Limitations are few. Singers, vocal groups, instrumentalists are all welcome. All you have to do is submit a video to the team's site and then, if called to an in-person audition, wow the judges. Piece of cake.

The link to submit your video is live and will remain so until Friday, August 17 at noon. Last year, the team says, 650 videos were submitted, and 34 people were summoned for final auditions.

Think you've got what it takes? You've got nothing to lose by making a submission .... except, maybe, your future anonymity. Get to applying!

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