AB-InBev Brewery Workers Choose Between Buyouts and Layoffs

Mar 24, 2010 at 12:00 pm
click to enlarge Who's behind the latest brewery lay-offs? - Image via
Who's behind the latest brewery lay-offs?
Like a shopper deciding between Bud Light and Bud Select, local brewery workers are stuck with two underwhelming options from AB-InBev: retire early or get laid off.

We missed this story when it first appeared in last Friday's St. Louis Business Journal but the world's largest brewer is moving forward with yet another (see here, here and here) round of "restructuring" in the United States.

This time it appears as though some of the cuts will only be temporary and based on the "operational needs of the brewery."
The Biz Journal reports:
"We are currently in discussions with the Teamster union leadership regarding a voluntary enhanced severance incentive at our U.S. breweries," Jim Brickey, vice president for people, said in a statement. "Our employees have expressed an interest in this, and we are exploring this option with the union."

He said that, from time-to-time, the operational needs of the brewery dictate a temporary reduction in manpower. He did not disclose how many packages are being offered or what the target number is.

If the Budweiser maker doesn't receive enough volunteers for the buyouts, the labor contract allows for temporary layoffs, usually on a weekly basis.