August Busch IV Girlfriend Adrienne Martin Died From Accidental Oxycodone Overdose

Feb 9, 2011 at 12:21 pm
Adrienne Nicole Martin
Adrienne Nicole Martin
St. Louis County Medical Examiner Mary Case has concluded her investigation of 27-year-old Adrienne Martin, found dead in December inside the Huntleigh mansion of August Busch IV.

In a statement just released to the press, Case states:
Saint Louis County's Office of the Medical Examiner has completed its investigation into the death of Adrienne Martin and has determined the cause of death to be "Oxycodone Intoxication," and the manner of death to be "Accident." That information, along with the complete report, has been forwarded to the appropriate law enforcement agencies investigating this event.
As we noted yesterday, the St. Louis County Prosecutor's office is reviewing the toxicology report that reportedly found cocaine and oxycodone in Martin's system, though it remains to be seen what -- if any -- charges could be filed.