Bill to Outlaw New Forms of Fake Marijuana, Cocaine Moves Closer to Law

Apr 6, 2011 at 12:15 pm
Last year Missouri representative Ward Franz (R - West Plains) successfully passed a measure into law that banned synthetic marijuana, such as the kind marketed as K2.

Now Franz is back with a new bill targeting a fresh crop of designer drugs that include new varieties of fake marijuana as well as a synthetic cocaine often labeled as bath salts

After introducing HB641 last month, Franz yesterday saw his bill perfected to include the names of additional chemical compounds used to make the drugs. Possession of up to 35 grams of the substances would be a misdemeanor. Get busted with a tub full of bath salts and you'll likely face felony charges.

Daily RFT has a call out to Franz for more information about the bill and what he thinks the odds are for it becoming law. Back at ya when/if we hear from him.