Charlie Sheen Plays “Disappointed Dad” as Daughter Sami Joins OnlyFans

Charlie Sheen’s open disapproval of his daughter Sami’s OnlyFans career is a study in hypocrisy at it’s finest.

Sep 24, 2024 at 9:23 am

Not too long after her 18th birthday in 2022, Sami Sheen made the decision to join OnlyFans as a content creator. Since then, the grown child of two well-known actors has had what most would consider a successful career on the platform, but not everyone is thrilled for her. The societal stigma surrounding women in sex work is extra hard to navigate when you’re a public figure, whether you became that way willingly or no. And when your celebrity dad is openly against the way you’ve chosen to make your way in this world? Your choices tend to get a bit more attention than they otherwise would.


Charlie Sheen is the dad in question, and he really doesn’t have a leg to stand on here.

Let’s back up.

When Sami Sheen joined OnlyFans, she was legally an adult. It was a decision she made on her own, as an adult. By and large, she has used the platform as a means of self-expression, and has actually kept things along the lines of what most would consider “tasteful." Full nudity isn’t really her thing— for now. She openly discusses her desire for breast augmentation surgery, believing that it would help her to feel more confident in her own body, and has expressed that she might be willing to bear it all once she’s completed the procedure.

Sami does nothing on OnlyFans unless she wants to. Her presence on the platform is 100% guided by her own goals and preferences. That motivating factor seems to be working out pretty well for her, because between her decision to capitalize on her fame as the child of two celebrities, and her commitment to only showing up the way she wants to; she’s earning up to $80,000/month as an OnlyFans content creator.

Now. Back to her parents.

Her mother (Denise Richards) publicly has been nothing but supportive of her daughter’s choice to join OnlyFans and capitalize on her youth, beauty, and celebrity status. She’s stated that she believes supporting her daughter in her chosen career is supporting a positive mother-daughter relationship, and that the way she’s chosen to proceed in her support of her daughter builds trust and autonomy.

Sami’s father, however? Charlie Sheen has been openly critical of her choices, going so far as to express disdain and personal disappointment, and frankly?

Glass houses, sir.

In addition to a documented history of domestic abuse with Sami’s mother, Charlie Sheen was once known to have spent over $50,000 on sex workers.

So why would he have a problem with his daughter raking in that kind of dough sex work when he used to so willingly hand it over in exchange for services that were reportedly much more explicit than the bikini pics she’s making bank on?

Could it be that there is some sort of double standard when it comes to sex?

You don’t say.

Sami Sheen is amongst the throng of content creators on OnlyFans who view their work as a source of empowerment, and a positive step for women seeking to reclaim their own sexuality, and the right to profit off of the men who are going to ogle them regardless of whether or not they’re charging for it. If men are allowed to go forth and be seen in a positive light as a result of their sexual “conquests,” then women should be allowed to make similar choices about their own bodies without being shamed for portraying themselves as the object that men want to conquer.

At the end of the day, sex workers are workers. They are out in the world making a living by providing a service that is in high demand. If you’re going to stigmatize the women who are earning a living by charging for the privilege of being someone’s spank candy, maybe at least make sure that you aren’t famous for being the one doing the spanking. The internet has the receipts. *side-eyes Charlie Sheen*

As far as Sami goes…get that cash, ma’am.