Eight Wicked YouTube Slaps (Because You Can't Slap Nancy Grace, Even Though You Really Want To)

Jul 6, 2011 at 4:01 pm

We'll be the first to say we're no fans of Casey Anthony -- yesterday's jury verdict aside, we can't help but think she's a cold-blooded killer. Still, the one we'd actually like to bitch-slap in this situation is Nancy Grace.

We know, we know: Grace is a former prosecutor, she's on the side of Law and Order, and she really just wants to see Tot Mom burn in hell, like every other red-blooded American (save those twelve contrary Floridians, of course).

But does she have to be so shrilly self-righteous? So smug? So endlessly, maddeningly indignant? Just once, while Grace was shouting about Zanny the Nanny and the heart-shaped sticker on the duct tape and how Caylee couldn't have climbed that damned pool ladder, couldn't Jane Velez-Mitchell have reached over and smacked her straight across the face?

You can't have everything, alas. But here are eight devastating blows -- the sort of thing we would have liked to see aimed at Grace just once during HLN's marathon Tot Mom coverage.

8. Rough Politics

7. No Horseplay in the Classroom

6. Speaking of Obnoxious TV Hosts...

5. Annoying TV Pseudo-Celebrity Takes One to the Face