Got a Paper Trail? SHRED IT.

Apr 13, 2009 at 2:27 pm
click to enlarge Shred like a pro.
Shred like a pro.
We know there's paper on you. Sensitive paper. Stuff we shouldn't see: bank statements, tax docs, subscription confirmations for those booty mags (yeah, we know about those). Nervous?

Solution: SHRED THAT SHIT. You can do it for free this weekend.

Southwest Bank is apparently running a program called "Shredfest," wherein you can drop off a maximum of two bags (or boxes) of paper. This paper will then get totally shredded. It's free.

They're doing it Saturday from 9 a.m. to noon at their locations on The Hill and in Des Peres.

If you miss this Shredfest, don't panic. Other Shredfests in other locations are scheduled for subsequent Saturdays all the way through October.