Hot Tub Pervert Goes Down for Thirteen

Jan 24, 2012 at 11:44 am
click to enlarge Kevin Wayne Weckherlin
Kevin Wayne Weckherlin
Hot tub? Check. Neckbeard? Check. Pleading guilty to first degree statutory sodomy with an underage relative? Check, please.

Kevin Wayne Weckherlin, 30, of Warrenton, yesterday pleaded guilty to the charges leveled against him in October of 2010 and received a thirteen year sentence. Weckherlin was in a hot tub at the St. Peters Rec-Plex with a female minor -- whom he was related to -- when another patron spotted him molesting the girl. This patron notified the life guard, who then notified park rangers, who then presumably moved in and apprehended Weckherlin.

Commenters who purported to be relatives of Weckherlin's chimed in on the original 2010 story concerning his arrest to claim that Weckherlin has slightly diminished mental capabilities. The beard would seem to confirm that, even more so than his sexual assault of a minor in a public pool on a Friday afternoon.