Imo's QR Code Made of Pizza Is Peak Pandemic Dining

Behind the scenes of how Imo's made a QR code out of its pizza

Jan 11, 2023 at 3:19 pm
click to enlarge Imo's pizza sliced into a box-like shape against a red background that creates a QR code.
Imo's pizza in the form of a QR code.

We never thought we would use these two words together: cool and QR code. But here we are.

That's because this isn't some AI-generated QR code. This is something only a human could do — and a St. Louis human for that matter: Create possibly the tastiest QR code of all time, made out of Imo's pizza.

Take a look:

That’s right –– hundreds of squares of Imo's pizza were cut and crafted to create a QR code for its Square Deals rewards program.

The QR code and rewards program coincides with the release of a new Imo's app. The app will feature delivery options and the ability to cash in on Square Deals rewards programs.

With the rewards program, customers receive one "square" point with each $15 order, allowing them to receive free appetizers, salads, drinks and pizzas. Three squares can get you a free drink, and 25 squares gets you a 16-inch extra large, one-topping pizza and an appetizer.

For more information visit Imo's website.

Those who sign up for Square Deals in January will receive two free squares. All you have to do is scan the QR code.

Here’s a look behind the scenes of how the QR code came together:

click to enlarge Organized slices of pizza are shown on the computer.
Byrne PR
The QR code is constructed from an image of Imo's pizza slices.

click to enlarge A person wearing an Imo's uniform puts together the Imo's QR code on a red board.
Byrne PR
People pieced together the Imo's QR code on a red board first.

click to enlarge People aim cameras and lights at a red board where Imo's pizza slices were laid out.
Byrne PR
Video of the QR code was used in an Imo's commercial announcing the new pizza shop's new Square Deals offers.

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