Josh Hawley Cries 'Hate Crimes' as Kids Get Slaughtered

Anything to avoid confronting gun violence

Mar 29, 2023 at 11:40 am
Yeah. That guy. - Screengrab via YouTube
Screengrab via YouTube
Yeah. That guy.

A shooting that left three kids under the age of 10 dead in Tennessee has Missouri Senator Josh Hawley demanding a hate crime investigation.

Never mind that Hawley was the only U.S. senator to vote against a 2021 bill to help victims of hate crimes.

Never mind that Hawley failed to call for action after a school shooter targeted students at CVPA High School in St Louis, leaving a teacher and teenager dead and many more injured in the state Hawley supposedly represents (but doesn't actually live in).

Now he's making demands?

You read that right. The only action against gun violence Hawley is willing to take — gun violence that leaves kids dead nearly every day — is trying to insist on a hate crime investigation. Because the shooting was performed at a Christian school, Hawley deployed his Olympic-level running skills and jumped to the conclusion that this had to be a targeted attack against Christians, despite Nashville officials saying that they haven't actually reached any conclusion on motive.

"This school, this church building, was a target of the shooter, but we have no information at present to indicate that the shooter was specifically targeting any one of the six individuals who were murdered," Metro Nashville Police Spokesperson Don Aaron told news reporters at a conference on Tuesday.

Instead of trying to stir up the culture wars in Tennessee, Hawley could be doing something useful with his time, like drafting gun control legislation so more kids don't have to die in school.

Nah, instead he's trying to seize the bully pulpit.

This should come as no shock to Missourians or the nation as a whole, however unfortunate. Hawley has received over $1 million from the National Rifle Association, which lobbies against gun control laws.

Maybe one day, Hawley might stand up and join the rest of the nation (approximately 52 percent of us, according to a 2021 Gallup poll) in supporting common sense gun laws.

Until then, he'll just keep running away. It's what he knows best.

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