Kanye West Submitted Paperwork to Be on the Missouri Ballot in November

Jul 28, 2020 at 2:04 pm
Vote nay on Ye. - Jason Persse / Flickr
Vote nay on Ye.

Just when you thought 2020 couldn’t get any more stupid, here comes Kanye West trying to hop up on the Missouri ballot in November.

In order to get on the Missouri ballot, a prospective candidate must usually pay a $1,000 filing fee (but there are ways around that part), gather a whole bunch of signatures of support from registered voters and then submit those signatures to the Missouri Secretary of State.

Candidates who are backed by the usual political parties are required to turn in 5,000 signatures, but independents must prove themselves more and hand over 10,000 signatures. And since West said his party is the “Birthday Party,” (*rolling eyes forever*) he’s required to turn in the whole 10k to get on the ballot in Missouri.

The Kansas City Star reported yesterday that West’s campaign delivered the required signatures to Missouri Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft’s office “just ahead of a 5 p.m. deadline.”

Maura Browning, a spokeswoman for Jay Ashcroft, did say, however, that Ye won’t be allowed on the ballot “unless officials are able to verify that the signatures came from at least 10,000 registered voters.”

So while the United States is currently being terrorized by our “leadership,” the future might be just as dumb.

President West would likely spend his days in office trying to fight Taylor Swift and tweeting unintelligible and unnecessary rants. Basically, it might be similar to the shit game show administration that we have now, plus we’d all probably be forced to wear the ugliest shoes in the world. Ugh.

So if you go into the voting booth later this year and see Kanye West on the ballot, just take a moment before voting to ask yourself WWKD (What would Kanye do?) and then, you know, vote for whoever isn’t Kanye West or Donald Trump.

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