Lonely St. Louis Street Sign Is Just Looking for Love

We feel your pain, Tower Grove South sign artist

Feb 14, 2023 at 4:45 pm
click to enlarge Just a sign, standing in front of Gustine, asking someone to hump her. - SARAH FENSKE
Just a sign, standing in front of Gustine, asking someone to hump her.

On first glance, this St. Louis street sign may seem impertinent — even a bit aggressive. It's the use of the command form, perhaps. "Hump me" is a lot more direct than "would you hump me, please?"

But before you judge the rain-slicked plea in Tower Grove South on this Valentine's Day, we'd ask you to have a little compassion.

We all need love — and as the great theologian C.S. Lewis famously observed, love can take many different forms: charity, friendship, affection, even humping. (OK, so he used "romantic" instead of "humping," but let's not let be too literal — he meant the same basic thing.) Let's not begrudge this plaintive request.

And so to the writer who took to the sign at the corner of Wyoming and Gustine, we hear you. We see you. We feel your loneliness.

We wish you many humps.

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