Mo' Smokers: We Belong to the Ciggie Belt

Nov 9, 2010 at 8:10 am
Check out Slate's new map showing states with highest overall percentage of daily smokers:

click to enlarge Way to go, Smoke-Me State! -
Way to go, Smoke-Me State!
You can also click on the county-by-county map, which reveals the following interesting facts:

  • Between 2002 and 2008, Missouri had 14 counties where more than 30 percent of citizens were daily smokers.
  • Number of such counties  combined in Iowa, Illinois and Kansas: Zero.
  • There's a huge cluster of heavy smoking around the Kentucky-West Virginia border.
  • The top two-thirds of Alaska also has a lot of smokers per capita, who must be positively miserable in the winter at bars where they're asked to go outside to light up.