Opening Day 2014: Cardinals Fever Takes Over St. Louis, the Internet

Mar 31, 2014 at 9:45 am
click to enlarge It's Opening Day! Who's excited? - Jon Gitchoff/RFT Slideshow
Jon Gitchoff/RFT Slideshow
It's Opening Day! Who's excited?

Break out those Cardinal-red jerseys, folks. It's officially Opening Day!

The St. Louis Cardinals take on the Cincinnati Reds away today. The Redbirds' first game hasn't even started yet, but fans are reaching a fever pitch on Twitter:

See also: Opening Day: Thirty Cardinals Fans Who Are So Excited They Just Can't Handle It You'll know a Cardinals fan when you see one by their jersey..and by their indignation for anyone NOT wearing a jersey. It doesn't matter that the Redbirds aren't playing at home. If its game day for the Cardinals, it's game day for the rest of St. Louis, and fans are dressed for the part.

Even pizza gets excited for the Cardinals:

After a brutal winter, Cardinals fans are hailing Opening Day as the true start of spring. Maybe that's why St. Louis' team mascots are already partying pretty hard.

See it all on page 2.