Parson: Process to Replace Gardner to Begin 'Immediately'

Missouri Governor Mike Parson will appoint a replacement to serve out the rest of St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner's term

May 4, 2023 at 5:10 pm
click to enlarge Missouri Governor Mike Parson.
Missouri Governor Mike Parson.
Missouri Governor Mike Parson's office will "immediately" begin a process to replace St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner, Parsons office said in a statement.

Gardner resigned Thursday amid widespread calls for her to do so. The twice-elected Democratic prosecutor had a tumultuous tenure  — with the last few weeks full of staff resignations, contempt of court hearings and multiple state pushes to oust her from office. 
Gardner's resignation is effective June 1, giving Parson's appointee over a year to serve out the rest of Gardner's term that will end in November 2024.

State statute allows Missouri governors to appoint prosecutorial vacancies. In accordance with statute, Parson's selection for Gardner's replacement must be "competent," at least 21 years old and licensed to practice as an attorney in Missouri. Parson's appointee does not have to be a resident of the City of St. Louis if there is "no qualified person" who will accept the appointment, according to statute.

"We fully understand the gravity of this situation and approach our duty to appoint a replacement with the utmost seriousness," Parson said in a statement.

In February, Parson told reporters he did not have a replacement in mind should Gardner resign or get removed from office (the latter of which was an impending probability).
At the time, Parson said he'd work with city officials, including Mayor Tishaura Jones, on finding the most qualified candidate.

"We are committed to finding a candidate who represents the community, values public safety, and can help restore faith in the city's criminal justice system," Parson said Thursday.

This story has been updated.

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