RFT Reviews the Week: January 8 to January 14

Cult leaders, rapist teachers and frigid weather dominate the week

Jan 16, 2024 at 10:22 am
How are these two always in the news?
How are these two always in the news? THEO WELLING

MONDAY, JANUARY 8. Police in Texas announce they’ve arrested a Missouri teacher on the lam after being charged with statutory rape. Hailey Clifton-Carmack, a teacher in Pulaski County, not only had sex with a 16-year-old student but used other kids as lookouts. The kid’s dad also gets charged for facilitating the encounters. Stay classy, Missouri.

TUESDAY, JANUARY 9. The Clayton School Board apologizes for “inadequate” communication over plans to purchase the HQ being offloaded by Caleres and says it might just sell the property to a developer. The school board came under fire for vague plans for an “Empowerment Campus,” a had-to-be-pricey purchase and the fact that taking the building off the tax rolls will mean way less money for the district going forward. (Not guilty in the kerfuffle: KDHX Villain Gary Pierson. Yes, Pierson serves on the school board — but he abstained from all discussion because a lawyer at his firm reps the seller.) Meanwhile, protestors at the St. Louis County Council meeting urge a ceasefire in Gaza — because if there’s anybody we look to for thought leadership on international affairs, it’s the St. Louis County Council. Saddest news of the day: the death of renowned UMSL criminologist Rick Rosenfeld, who was never too busy to take calls from even the most annoying reporters (read: us) and sincerely tried to make sense of incredibly complicated subjects. RIP.

WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 10. St. Louis County has a new logo, and it’s weird. Pink with serifs? How does that cost $90,000? Meanwhile, the alleged cult leader whose six followers recently disappeared from Berkeley tells the Post-Dispatch he doesn’t know the people in question and would definitely not pressure anyone to drink Kool-Aid. “I’m just giving you my opinion on a plethora of different subjects: from metaphysics to quantum physics to molecular biology to marine biology to geography to Black history to world history. I’m giving you my opinions on these things,” Rashad Jamal tells Katie Kull. “That doesn’t make me a cult leader.” Glad we could clear that up.

THURSDAY, JANUARY 11. With snow predicted for Friday afternoon, Schnucksis a madhouse. Meanwhile, Democrats may have stripped disgraced lawmaker Sarah Unsicker (D-Twitter) of all her committee assignments, but Republicans just appointed her to the Special Committee on Government Accountability — because accusing two candidates for attorney general of being foreign agents (one the GOP’s own guy!) simply because they’re Jewish is apparently not disqualifying to Missouri Republicans.

FRIDAY, JANUARY 12. It goes from rainy and mid 40s to low 20s and wind-whipped snow in a single afternoon. Brutal. Also, those crazy McCloskeys endorse Andrew Bailey for Missouri Attorney General, which ought to put at least two votes in his column, and the St. Louis Board of Aldermen makes its own call for a ceasefire, which will surely stop the violence in Gaza by nightfall.

SATURDAY, JANUARY 13. It is really cold. The Missouri Chiefs crush the Dolphins, and Taylor Swift endures the fourth coldest game of NFL history. Definitely a keeper!

SUNDAY, JANUARY 14. It’s even colder, and the city streets are empty. Alas, some bad guys try to rob patrons at the MetroLink’s Shrewsbury-Lansdowne station. Two get stabbed, and a third is shot. Both perps are now in custody; all three victims are expected to recover.

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