Senate Candidate Lucas Kunce Accused of Talking Like He's From Missouri

A bizarre attack ad says Kunce fakes a southern accent

Feb 2, 2023 at 2:53 pm
click to enlarge Lucas Kunce in 2022. - RYAN KRULL
Lucas Kunce in 2022.

The National Republican Senatorial Committee and conservative news website The Washington Free Beacon are accusing Missouri Senate candidate Lucas Kunce of talking in a fake Southern accent.

This morning the NRSC tweeted out a video created by the Free Beacon which splices up clips of Kunce's ads, interviews and social media videos, accusing him of using two different accents when talking to different audiences.

The only problem is that Kunce's accent doesn't change from clip to clip. Nor does it sound particularly Southern. In all of them, he sounds like a guy from Missouri.

If the ad proved anything, it's that whomever incumbent Senator Josh Hawley hired to make his attack ads really has no idea what a Southern accent — or a Missouri accent, for that matter — is supposed to sound like.
The response to the ad on Twitter has been lukewarm, to put it mildly.

"Jesus, you want a yoga mat for that stretch?" wrote one user.

Another wrote: "I know you're used to @HawleyMO sounding like he lives in Virginia, because he does, but this is what Missouri sounds like."

Another chimed in, "This tweet ain't do numbers. I'd delete it."

The ad wasn't Team Hawley's only misfire of the week. On Sunday, the senator carved some time out of his busy schedule crusading against pornography to confuse which state a popular Kansas City-area barbecue chain is in.

"Porn. Video games. Now the sound of my voice? The dude is obsessed with the weirdest stuff," Kunce tells the RFT. "I'll give Joshua a break on this one though — in fairness to him, it's tough to know what a man from Missouri sounds like when you aren't from here and don't have a clue how real Missourians live."

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