She Made a Google Form. He Filled It Out. Now They're Married

RFT asks two newlyweds how they met

May 1, 2023 at 10:50 am
click to enlarge Adam Jehle, 20, and Julia Lima, 18, standing outside of the courthouse after getting married.
Adam Jehle, 20, and Julia Lima, 18, recently tied the knot.

On a recent Friday, the fourth floor of the Civil Courts Building downtown was packed with a few dozen happy couples about to tie the knot. Judge Clinton Robert Wright, who performed the marriages one by one, kept things moving quickly without rushing any of the proceedings. He played Al Green from his phone and everyone — brides, grooms, witnesses and bailiffs — was feeling the vibe. The RFT caught up with one couple, Adam Jehle, 20, and Julia Lima, 18, who say they'll cherish their day at court forever.

How did you guys meet?

Lima: It's kind of crazy. I made a Google form because I was trying to meet someone. I was like, "Fill this out if you want to go on a date with me." I posted it as a joke. Then he slid up in the form and filled it out.

When did you start talking about marriage?

Jehle: Pretty soon after we started dating. We had such a great connection. We were so similar in every single way, and different in the best ways. We both agreed that, "Why should this end?"

What was everyone's reaction when you said, "We're getting married? We're getting married at the courthouse. We're doing it quickly, no long engagement."

Lima: My parents were super excited because they love him. His mom was pretty shocked just because of the fact that we're young, but they were really supportive.

Jehle (who's studying to become a commercial pilot): My flight instructor thought I was messing with him at first because I told him I wouldn't be available today.

How did you feel about the way the courts ran the ceremony?

Lima: I was a little nervous because there were a lot of people there watching, but it went pretty fast. And it was nice that everyone was clapping for everyone. I felt really supported.

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