St. Louis Storm Watch: Webster Groves

An ongoing investigation into the oddball sights we see around St. Louis

Apr 11, 2023 at 7:59 am
click to enlarge Tree down!
Tree down!

Date and Location of sighting: April 2 in Webster Groves

How the tree got there: Storms and high winds were blowing everything around that week.

Looks like the house is undamaged: This tree politely laid down on the house rather than crash through it like a drama queen.

How long was it like this?: We're not sure, but we walked by again on April 4 and it was still there.

Size of tree: We once took a math class that taught us how to calculate the height of tall objects. We failed said class, and that's why we're now writers.

Impending danger: There seem to be many more trees that could fall at any moment. Let's hope they're all polite like this tree if that happens.

Did you get a look at that root structure?: We did, and it was shallow as heck, like the tree wasn't even trying to stay in the ground.

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