St. Louis Tea Party and MC Hammer: Kindred Spirits

Aug 3, 2009 at 7:16 am
By its own admission, the St. Louis Tea Party has yet to make much impact on the public policy of President Barack Obama and the Democratically controlled Congress.

But that's beginning to change, states St. Louis Tea Party organizer Bill Hennessey in a message to his flock.

Following his group's protest of Sen. Claire McCaskill's office last month -- and its subsequent coverage on Fox News -- the St. Louis Tea Party  is suddenly like MC Hammer circa 1991.

That's right. They're too legit, to quit.

Writes Hennessey yesterday:

Last week, the St. Louis Tea Party dominated Fox News Channel for an entire week.  Had two guests on Fox and Friends, one on Greta and Cavuto, clips and recorded interviews on Hannity and hourly news programs.  We never received this coverage because of a rally, but because we are backing McCaskill into a corner.

While rallies in parks are fun and make us feel better for a couple of days, we must, instead, hold events that make the statists feel worse for several weeks. Or for many years.  According to Politico, up to 40 percent of the members of the majority party in Congress will NOT return to their home districts and states during the recess. They can't stand the heat of the boiling tea pots.

So, how does the tea party plan to bring pressure that hot? Three ways:

1. Confront McCaskill and Congressman Russ Carnahan during their visits to St. Louis this month. This includes arriving an en masse to McCaskill's local healthcare forums this month where the Tea Party will "make sure she can't confuse the public with lies, half-truths, and obfuscations." Other events include an August 22 "Recess Rally" which will "gain national attention and send McCaskill and Carnahan back to their DC bunkers early."

2. Launch its "99 Corners Project" that calls for weekly protests in every neighborhood and community in the greater St. Louis region. Why? Because "Missouri is where we break them; St. Louis is Concord Bridge."

3. Travel by but to Quincy, Illinois, on September 12 to participate in tea party rallies nationwide where participants will "celebrate the death of socialized medicine and in incineration of Cap and Trade for this Congress."

So there you have it. Ends Hennessey: "The enemy is frightened, fatigued, and failing. Victory is ours, but only if we keep punching."

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