St. Louis Weightlifter Breaks 5 State Records at First Competition

Heather Gurnow started out just hoping she'd have a successful lift

May 16, 2023 at 8:27 am
click to enlarge Heather Gurnow at her first weight-lifting competition.
Heather Gurnow at her first weight-lifting competition.

When Heather Gurnow entered her first powerlifting competition, she didn't know what to expect. She'd mostly been powerlifting in her home without the aid of a formal coach. But she set five state records in her weight division (198 pounds) and age group (40 to 45) at the 2022 USA Powerlifting Missouri Open. Gurnow ended up breaking records in squat, bench press and deadlift, which meant she also broke the state record in push/pull (deadlift plus bench) and total (all three lifts). Not bad for someone who started her fitness journey just six years ago.

This interview has been edited for length and clarity.

What got you started lifting?

About seven years ago, my mom passed away from health-related issues. At that time, I was teetering on about 300 pounds. I decided that I didn't want to end up like her. So I started watching what I ate. I started working out, and then eventually it led me into finding the weight room and finding out more about lifting weights. Then I found powerlifting and never looked back.

Did you have a trainer when you started?

I had a program from a trainer online. I was in college at the time, so there was a rec center that [my husband and I] could go to for free. I enlisted the help of a personal trainer that got me started on doing different exercises to strengthen my core and strengthen my lower body. Eventually, I found different women in powerlifting, and I talked to them. They kind of guided me through.

Is it hard to wake up at 3 a.m. to train?

I work as an emergency veterinary technician. We have a very busy ER practice, and we have a very full ICU most days. So the stress on top of my job, getting home, going to sleep, trying to recover and waking up is hard, but you prioritize what you love.

How was it entering your first competition?

I was nervous. You usually start with the squat, and being my first competition, I set the weight really low. It was more of a warm-up weight. But I didn't want to get up there and bomb and not make the lifts. I got up there, and I squatted it, I stood back up, and I got a clean lift. I was like 'OK,' and so my next lift broke a state record. I went up 70 pounds from the first lift. [Lifters get three attempts.]

You broke the record on that attempt?

Yes, and I also set a new personal record for me. I had never lifted that squat at home. It was amazing, like I was feeling elated. So then we went to the bench [for bench press], and that's just a boring lift for everybody, but I did break a record.

You swept the competition! Are you going to compete again soon?

I'm definitely thinking about it. I haven't made a decision yet.

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