Stan Musial's Grandson Brian Schwarze Hassled by Dodgers Fans

Oct 18, 2013 at 1:45 pm

According to (and buried way far down in) a sports column published in USA Today, Dodgers fans in Los Angeles yelled, threatened, threw popcorn at and tried to trip the grandson of Stan "The Man" Musial and his friends while they watched Games 3 and 4 of the postseason series against the Cardinals this week.

"Can you imagine that happening in St. Louis?" Brian Schwarze, 32, told the paper.

Schwarze was wearing a Musial Cardinals jersey at Dodger Stadium, and "people kept telling me, 'You better take that (expletive) thing off.'"

See also: Dispatch from Dodger Stadium: A Cardinals Fan Lost in Los Angeles

As if all this Mickey Mouse bologna weren't enough... they gotta mess with the progeny of baseball's perfect warrior, who died in January.

See also: Stan Musial, Iconic Hall of Fame Cardinal, Dead at 92

It all comes down to the tradition of old-time baseball, which, as winners of eleven World Series titles with the second-best attendance stats in the game, the Cardinals espouse effortlessly.

"This is St. Louis, we have values here,'' Schwarze said. "My grandfather used to always tell me, 'This is a gentleman's game. You play the game right.'"

Los Angeles fans responded by saying:

We've reached out to Schwarze to find out more about his experience in LA -- we'll update if we hear back.

Follow Lindsay Toler on Twitter at @StLouisLindsay. E-mail the author at [email protected].