Tea Party Coloring Book Selling Like Hot Cakes

Sep 10, 2010 at 8:01 am
Tea Party Coloring Book Selling Like Hot Cakes
We had a lot of questions we wanted to ask Wayne Bell, founder of Really Big Coloring Books, about his company's new "Tea Party Coloring Book for Kids". Among 'em: At what age is it appropriate to start teaching children to hate liberals?

Turns out, though, we could hardly get a word in edgewise when we rang up the St. Louis-based publisher yesterday afternoon.

"We publish coloring books for anybody under the sun. Period. That is my opening statement right there," says Bell. "We're a publishing company that publishes coloring books representing all Americans as long as the books are educational and in good taste. That said, I'd be more than happy to answer your questions."

Daily RFT: Uh. Okay. So why did you feel the need to publish a coloring book about the Tea Party?

Bell: I don't know how many millions of Americans are members of the Tea Party, but I do know that the book has been for sale online for 24 or 48 hours and we've already sold thousands of copies. The first press run has already sold out. The blogosphere is going wild with this. Half the nation loves us, the other half hates us. The phone has been ringing off the hook. But I tell you, we're a publishing company that represents everyone. We also did a Barack Obama inaugural coloring book in November 2008 that sold hundreds of thousands of copies...We also just did the Dred Scott Heritage Foundation Official coloring book. And we raise money for their foundation right here in St. Louis with one of the great-granddaughters of Dred Scott. Did you know that!?

Err, no.

"Well you need to do your research!

You sound like you've really been on the defensive with this one.

I'm just letting you know who we are and what we do. When you call up with a snicker or a laugh and a giggle in your voice, we understand that and we appreciate that but we won't let you make fun of any of our products -- which you seemed to be doing. You got me?  

We just thought the book was amusing. And as you said yourself, half of America either loves you or hates you right now.

If you were some skinhead on the other line calling me an S.O.B. because they didn't like a book we published I'd treat them with the same reverence I'm treating you. I'd put them on notice and tell them we're a publishing company that represents America.

So how much do these coloring books cost?

You can get them for around $5 on Amazon.

And does that include tax? Because, you know, some people feel that we're Taxed Enough Already.

If you buy it at a story you'll pay sales tax. If you buy it online, no. Anything else?

So what specifically do the kiddies color in the book?

Go to our website and order one yourself. I'll send you some crayons. I've got to go.