Today Is Mister Gary Day in St. Louis and We Are Here for It

The Board of Aldermen paid homage to the Them Yo People host

Sep 29, 2023 at 12:18 pm
click to enlarge Our king.
Our king.
St. Louis is often a divided town — Black vs. white, north vs. south, Democrat vs. progressive. Yet there's one man who can unite us all, and that is Mister Gary.

St. Louis' self-proclaimed "king of hospitality," Gary Boyd is best known for his starring role on the public access TV show Them Yo People. But even people who don't watch random channels at random hours consider Mister Gary one of St. Louis' few true celebrities. A public event isn't really worth going to unless Mister Gary is there in the flesh. (He's a busy guy; he also hosts a radio how on Streets 105.1 FM.)

And so it's only fitting that today, the mayor and St. Louis Board of Aldermen honored Boyd by naming September 29 "Mister Gary Day" in the city of St. Louis. If Beyonce gets a day, surely Mister Gary gets a day!

The resolution creating Mister Gary Day was sponsored by 10th Ward Alderwoman Shameem Clark Hubbard, who called Boyd up to the dais, saying, "Mr. Boyd, thank you for being one of the many reasons that I love St. Louis. And when I need to find a reason about how much more I love St. Louis, you always have one."

She added, "There's so many naysayers... but you highlight what's good, which gives us a balance and gives people like us a reason and encourages us to keep going. You encourage me to keep going!"

Boyd, naturally, wore his crown, carried a scepter and noted that he brought an entourage of 15 out-of-towners that he's showing off the city to this weekend. "Whaddaya say, whaddaya say?" he began, showing that you can take the star away from Them Yo People, but you can't take Them Yo People out of the star.

Boyd, by the way, is being inducted in the University City Hall of Fame this weekend after graduating in the class of 1982. And he suggested he had visions of extended Mister Gary Day beyond just today. "It is Mister Gary, and as the mayor, president, said, it is officially Mister Gay Weekend/Day in St. Louis, so let the party begin! OK? OK!"

We second the motion — not that kings need a second. Congratulations, Mister Gary.

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