Tower Grove South Fence Goes to the Dogs

An ongoing investigation into St. Louis' enduring but endearing trashiness

Sep 15, 2023 at 9:04 am
click to enlarge It appears to be a cri de coeur from a local canine. But did a dog really paint it? RFT investigates. - RYAN KRULL
It appears to be a cri de coeur from a local canine. But did a dog really paint it? RFT investigates.
Weekly WTF?!?: Fence Watch

Bent Avenue and Hartford Street, Tower Grove South

When: Wednesday, September 13

What: It appears to be a fence painted with unusual passive-aggressivity. But the true question is why. Unfortunately, when we knocked on the door, the owner didn't want to explain, so we're forced to play sign sleuth.

Theory #1 of the case: The neighbors are fed up with the barking dogs at this house and intended the crude drawings to be a sort of scarlet letter.

Theory #2: The owner of the house got sick of her neighbors complaining about her barking dogs and is now trying to offend their eyes as well as their ears.

Theory #3: This is a complicated ploy to get his fence painted for free. Someone is pulling a modern-day Tom Sawyer.

Whatever the situation: It has surely been exacerbated by the Nextdoor app.

click to enlarge Another part of the same sign. - RYAN KRULL
Another part of the same sign.

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