Video: Pelican That 'Goosed' Trainer in Crotch to Have Rematch on Fox 2

Apr 20, 2010 at 11:07 am
click to enlarge Seconds after Scoop snatched Walter.
Seconds after Scoop snatched Walter.
Don't know how we missed this when it first aired, but the video below of an allegedly tame pelican "goosing" a man on-air during Fox 2's AM show gives everyone another reason to watch local morning news.

Walt Crawford, a trainer at the World Bird Sanctuary in Valley Park, brought "Scoop" to the Fox 2 studios on the morning of April 7 for a segment about the influx of pelicans in the area. Crawford rescued Scoop from the wild.

While sauntering down the hallways of the television station the pelican snapped at Crawford's crotch in a move that would make any man wince.

"He's heard every joke in the world," says Angel James, a segment producer for Fox 2. "He rescued that pelican and that's the treatment he received." Walt faces off against Scoop again on the morning show tomorrow, where hopefully things are less snappy. CNN saw the clip on and said "we have to have it," says another source at Fox. "They put it on their feed and Fox did the same thing."

Here's the abbreviated clip:

Here's a longer version:

Cut to about 50 seconds in, and right after Crawford tells the pelican "don't bite," it goes for the kill.

"Yeah, he got him right there in the unmentionables. Darn you, Mr. Pelican," says Fox 2 morning personality John Pertzborn after the snatching. Darn you, indeed.