Video: Sen. Claire McCaskill Talks Shit to Goldman Sachs Execs

Apr 28, 2010 at 12:00 pm
There have been many, many headlines devoted to yesterday's "shitty" congressional hearings but, as is often the case, nobody tops the NY Post. Here's what their editors came up with:
If you have no idea what we're talking about, well, Senator Carl Levin from Michigan and the Show-Me State's own Claire McCaskill hurled no fewer than 37 curse words at the executives from Goldman Sachs. The firm is accused of offering clients a deal the company described in internal e-mails as "shitty," because they knew the housing bubble was about to burst.

Anyhow, if you want to see/hear the Missouri senator awesomely utter expletives check the video after the jump.

McCaskill later apologized via Twitter to her mom and Missourians for the language.

As an added bonus, here is her opening statement. Though curse free, it arguably rips the Wall Street robber barons an even bigger new one.