Year in Review: Look Back on 2022 in St. Louis

The good, the bad and the ugly of it all

Dec 28, 2022 at 6:01 am
click to enlarge The good, bad and ugly in St. Louis this year.
Cydney Cherepak
The good, bad and ugly in St. Louis this year.

Look, 2022, well, it was not always that great.

We got things off to a not-strong start with a still-lingering pandemic. Then, a bunch of favorite restaurants closed their doors in the wake of a tremendous worker shortage (or a fire). Missouri became a chaos zone between the Kia Boyz and careless drivers making the streets unsafe for everyone. St. Louisans' hearts broke in October with the area's first-ever — and hopefully last — school shooting.

But for every bitter pith encountered, St. Louis residents found ways to spark joy. We made the best of bad and ugly things. We laughed as our ridiculous politicians embarrassed themselves. We left our homes and experienced in-person arts. We ripped lids off dumpsters and used them to sled.

To celebrate all those good things and to rage against the negative, the RFT picked some of the events that stood out from the year and did some reminiscing. Read on for our takes on — and our toasts to — the year.

Here's to 2022:

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