Your Guide to the 2022 Missouri Midterm Elections

The RFT's quick and dirty breakdown of the midterm madness

Oct 31, 2022 at 4:12 pm

click to enlarge Allisa Simril shows her 8-year-old son, Jonathan Trotter, how to fill in a ballot while voting at the University City recreational complex on April 5. - Monica Obradovic
Monica Obradovic
Allisa Simril shows her 8-year-old son, Jonathan Trotter, how to fill in a ballot while voting at the University City recreational complex on April 5.

Been busy? Haven't been following all the ins and outs of Missouri's political scene? Well, that's fine because we have you covered. Here is a quick and dirty guide to what's on the ballot next week and what you need to vote.

Where can I vote?
You can look up your designated polling location, though some voters can choose their polling location.

When do I vote?
The general election is on November 8. Polls will open at 6 a.m. and stay open till 7 p.m. If you are in line by 7 p.m. then the polls will stay open till everyone has voted.

If you requested an absentee ballot from your county clerk's office, then you have until Election Day to mail it in. All requests for absentee ballots had to be made by October 26.

What do I need to vote in Missouri?

Missouri passed a voter ID law this summer and while it wasn't in place for the primaries, it is the law of the land for the general election. Here is a look at what you need to take to the polls.

I can't get to the polls.
No car? No problem. Lyft is offering free and discounted rides across the country on Election Day.

The Races

The Open Senate Seat
The major race for Missouri this midterm is for the Senate seat that Republican Roy Blunt is vacating. The race has brought its fair share of embarrassment to Missouri, particularly during the primaries when Republicans were trying to prove they were the man (or woman) to vote for by brandishing ever more impractical weapons and threatening to kill other Republicans.

Now Trudy Busch Valentine and Eric Schmitt are on the campaign trail and we take you through their positions, endorsements and most cringeworthy moments. (Schmitt had several.)

The race for the Second Congressional District
The race for Missouri's Second Congressional District is likely to be extremely noncompetitive with incumbent Republican Ann Wagner staving off a challenge from Democrat Trish Gunby of Ballwin with the ease of an elder sibling withholding something delectable from a younger sibling. Still, there's been some impressive moments in the mostly quiet campaign, like Wagner driving around a literal kitchen table or Gunby calling out Wagner for not holding town halls.

Gunby has been knocking on doors, hoping to make a dent in Wagner's base. To see if that might have much of an effect on her chances and to get a better what's at stake, read on for our guide to the race.

The St. Louis Board of Aldermen President Race
This year, being an alderman for St. Louis city has been a bad look as a few rotten apples — former President Lewis Reed, 21st Ward Representative John Collins-Muhammad and Ward 22 Alderman Jeffrey Boyd — faced charges of corruption and bribery and left office. Despite the miasma the whole affair left, people seem to still want to do the job, and this election will decide who will replace Reed as president.

The candidates, Megan Green and Jack Coatar, are both Democrats, of course, and thus aren't the most distinct except that Green is more left and is beloved by the city's progressive faction. We break down why the race is still going to be competitive, how the two are different and some other fun stuff. But rest assured, no matter who you vote for, they'll still probably be better than that last guy.

The St. Louis County Executive Race Things might get a bit spicy, er spicier, in St. Louis County during the executive race as Mark Mantovani, a Democrat turned Republican, takes on incumbent Sam Page. Page handily fended off Mantovani during the 2020 Democratic primary, but a spot on the Republican side of the ticket opened up when the obscure winner of the primary, conspiracy theory blogger Katherine Pinner, dropped out and in and out of the race.

Page has drawn some ire of late for a host of dysfunctions within the county that range from his administration's denial of Tim Fitch's police pension to ties to controversial former police union business manager Jeff Roorda to Page's former chief of staff Calvin Harris getting caught on video doing the nasty in the county administration building. That did lead to a new law banning employees from having sex on county property, so that's fun.

It might be hard to unseat Page, but with Mantovani claiming endorsements, it's set to be a close one.

Amendment 3: Recreational Weed No one out there seems to be saying that the recreational weed amendment is the best thing ever, and the initiative seems to hang in the balance between "anything is good enough" and "too flawed." If enacted, Amendment 3 will legalize recreational cannabis use for residents 21 and older and provide automatic expungements for nonviolent marijuana-related crimes. It's estimated that it will bring at least $40.8 million in tax revenue to Missouri, which will benefit veterans' services, drug-addiction treatment and the public-defender system.

But the measure's critics say it is flawed and racist. Amendment 3 will give preference to existing medical-marijuana business license (cultivation, distribution, etc.) holders, who are overwhelming white, and the limit on licenses would give little room for people of color to get into the field in a substantial manner.

Yet, others look at those same facts and say: Love the one you've got. Read on to get the facts and decide for yourself.