Have Your Best St. Louis Summer Yet: Follow These Commandments

Thou shalt have a great summer

May 24, 2023 at 8:39 am
click to enlarge There are certain things thou must do to have a great St. Louis summer.
There are certain things thou must do to have a great St. Louis summer.

When you’ve spent a summer or two (or every summer of your life) in St. Louis, you know there are certain things you just have to do. Do you really want to go a whole summer without Ted Drewes? Did summer even happen if you didn’t spend an evening in Forest Park for one reason or another (movie, Shakespeare, the Muny)? Even people completely uninterested in sports will go to at least one game because it’s summer. That’s just what you do. It’s as necessary as complaining about the humidity.

So here is a slideshow of all the things you must do to have a peak St. Louis summer (beyond the requisite cold drinks and sunscreen), and articles that take you in-depth for some of the commandments to make sure you get it right. Thou shalt go on a float trip. Thou willst see live music outdoors.

We didn’t make up these commandments. They’re such ironclad constraints that we think they might have been found on a mountain, carved on tablets. We just collected them here for you.