The Most St. Louis Things You Can Do to Celebrate 314 Day

St. Louis’ homegrown holiday, 314 Day, has increasingly become the province of civic leaders and local businesses, who urge us to celebrate our city with parties and 20 percent discounts at locally owned retailers. And while we applaud those efforts — lord knows this region could use some additional appreciation — we also have to admit they’ve become increasingly distant from the St. Louis we know. 

St. Louis, after all, isn’t just about free gooey butter cake and $3.14 carousel rides. It’s about the people of St. Louis and all their vices (which, by our tally, includes smoking more weed than any other state, routinely drinking way too much in the city streets and driving like maniacs). It’s about, frankly, a certain hoosier-tinged lawlessness. It’s about the St. Louis accent and its “hurrrr” and “thurrrr” and “farrty.” It’s about being neither north nor south, east nor west, about living in a deep blue city in a deep red state, about fitting in nowhere in this godforsaken country but still insisting you count.

It’s a hard-knock life, being a St. Louisan. Here are our best suggestions for celebrating this complicated existence.

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Andy Paulissen
Andy Paulissen
Hold a Ted Drewes Frozen Custard upside-down on top of the head of a small child, just to prove these concretes don’t run.
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Ride down Art Hill on a Dumpster lid. (Just try not to lose your job for it!)

Ride down Art Hill on a Dumpster lid. (Just try not to lose your job for it!)

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Crash a cop car into an inanimate object.
Crash a cop car into an inanimate object.
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Rosalind Early
If you live in the city, refuse to go anywhere in the county because “it’s too far.”
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If you live in the county, refuse to go anywhere in the city because “it’s too dangerous.”
If you live in the county, refuse to go anywhere in the city because “it’s too dangerous.”
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Rosati-Kain High School
Begin a conversation with a total stranger by asking where they went to high school — and then eagerly swap the names of mutual frenemies.
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Screengrab via Google Maps
Adamantly refuse to call any place by its current name. You’ll be attending a concert at Riverport, catching the Blues at Kiel Center and gambling at Lumiere Place, thankyouverymuch.
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Paint an “RFT” on a prominent downtown building (disclaimer: we would never condone lawlessness, never, we say!).
Paint an “RFT” on a prominent downtown building (disclaimer: we would never condone lawlessness, never, we say!).
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Stream “Country Grammar” over and over at increasing volume until your neighbors call the cops (this is St. Louis, they won’t show).
screengrab via YouTube
Stream “Country Grammar” over and over at increasing volume until your neighbors call the cops (this is St. Louis, they won’t show).
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Smoke a pack of cigs at one of the many fine establishments that still lets you do that on the patio (we’re not narcs, we’re not going to name them!).
Smoke a pack of cigs at one of the many fine establishments that still lets you do that on the patio (we’re not narcs, we’re not going to name them!).
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Light a Dumpster on fire, just because.
photo by Amanda Mueller
Light a Dumpster on fire, just because.
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Throw an electric scooter into the Mississippi River and make a wish. (That wish should be that these stupid tech companies quit leaving their garbage all over our sidewalks.)
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Curse out a Cubs fan.
Curse out a Cubs fan.
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Drive your car into a traffic-calming device. Whose bright idea was it to set up drunk driver obstacle courses all over the city anyway?
Drive your car into a traffic-calming device. Whose bright idea was it to set up drunk driver obstacle courses all over the city anyway?
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Mangle the French language at every opportunity. What the hell is “Caronde-lay”? (That's Creev Core Lake, while we're at it.)
Photo courtesy of Flickr/Paul Sableman
Mangle the French language at every opportunity. What the hell is “Caronde-lay”? (That's Creev Core Lake, while we're at it.)
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Ignore a stop sign. In this town it’s easy, seeing as how they’re frequently made out of cardboard and wishful budgetary thinking that renders them impossible to see anyway.
Ignore a stop sign. In this town it’s easy, seeing as how they’re frequently made out of cardboard and wishful budgetary thinking that renders them impossible to see anyway.
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Talk about what a shithole St. Louis is — but the minute anyone outside the city tries to do so, shut them down. This is your city. You love it, you hate it, you will likely never leave it. Happy 314 Day!
Talk about what a shithole St. Louis is — but the minute anyone outside the city tries to do so, shut them down. This is your city. You love it, you hate it, you will likely never leave it. Happy 314 Day!
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